i have a problem with calculation the Spectral decomposition, i guess, with the sorting of eigen.
According to this website http://www.deltaquants.com/cleaning-correlation-matrices.html i would like to do the same calculation in R
Input <- data.frame(read.csv2(file="testmatrix.csv", header=FALSE, sep=";"))
# same matrix as the example on the website
Eigen <- eigen(Input, only.values=FALSE, symmetric = TRUE)
#Get the eigenvalues/eigenvectors
The result on the website (excel):
The result from eigen (R)
As the result the new correlation matrix C is not correct.
Thanks for the help. I could provide further information e.c. Code or more details - if it helps.
If you want to order the eigenvalue of a matrix in increasing order, just index eigenvectors and eigenvalues with the output of the order
mat <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 7, 4, 3, 4, 0), nrow=3)
e <- eigen(mat)
o <- order(e$values, decreasing=FALSE)
# [1] -2.961797 1.056689 9.905108
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 0.5110650 0.7915817 -0.3349790
# [2,] 0.2299503 -0.5014262 -0.8340831
# [3,] -0.8282122 0.3492421 -0.4382859