I am building a WP8 app it is solving numerical analysis problems. For one step i need to parse entered function but I dont have any knowledge about parsing and I tried something else
I have a stackpanel with mathematical components (Sin(x),Cos(x),Tan(x),+,-,*...)
when user click any component
For example first Sin(x) then + and then Cos(x)
string yazılıdenklem =""; int xdegeri=Convert.ToInt32(Xtxt.Text);
private void Sin_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
private void artı_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
yazılıdenklem = yazılıdenklem + "+";
private void Cos_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
yazılıdenklem = yazılıdenklem + "Math.Cos(" + xdegeri.ToString() + ")";
End of choosing I having a string equation like : "Math.Sin(3)+Math.Cos(3)" can i transform this equation to any numerical form ? Can I get any result from this string eq. ? Thank you
bcParser.NET is a safe eval() function to evaluate math formulas. bcParser.NET is a Math Parser Library for the .NET Platform. bcParser.NET parses and evaluates mathematical expressions given as strings at runtime.
double value = MathParser.getValueAsDouble();