I was given a new requirement for the App: Each client must host its own services, meaning the "Service URL" cannot be fixed.
I got scared but just found the Dynamic Services URL property, which is great, and does what I want, but...
Is it possible to change the "Preferences" and "User Information" descriptions (that GX automatically creates)? The App is in Portuguese.
Or, alternatively, can I build my own validation (the check if the URL is set on my startup object)?
Thanks Jaime
You should be able to translate those messages as any message on the KB. First enable static or runtime translation on the KB. Secondly go to: Folder View > Customization > Localization and filter the messages. There should appear all the messages shown and you can add your Portuguese translations under the Portuguese language.
In an example KB you can see this messages:
For the second part of your question I did not find any way to do the validation. The validation is done automatically by GeneXus Flexible Client.