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Dynamic Services URL Property

I was given a new requirement for the App: Each client must host its own services, meaning the "Service URL" cannot be fixed.

I got scared but just found the Dynamic Services URL property, which is great, and does what I want, but...

Is it possible to change the "Preferences" and "User Information" descriptions (that GX automatically creates)? The App is in Portuguese.

Or, alternatively, can I build my own validation (the check if the URL is set on my startup object)?

Thanks Jaime


  • You should be able to translate those messages as any message on the KB. First enable static or runtime translation on the KB. Secondly go to: Folder View > Customization > Localization and filter the messages. There should appear all the messages shown and you can add your Portuguese translations under the Portuguese language.

    Example: In an example KB you can see this messages: Image of GXM_Preference message and Multiple Images with more related messages

    For the second part of your question I did not find any way to do the validation. The validation is done automatically by GeneXus Flexible Client.