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Failure to use more than one Lotus script web service consumer

I have a notes db that has a LS WS consumer and works fine. When I try to add a second one I receive errors that I suspect are due to conflicting public identifiers, like "Duplicate PUBLIC name APISUCCESS in USE module" I've tried to import each of the lSWS consumers into separate lotusscript libraries. I removed the Option Public, expecting that the LS WS import would become private. But, if I try to import the two libraries I get the same error. At some point, I am going to need to import the two things together. On the second lotusscript library that imports the second web service consumer I just have this N.B. : I removed the Option Public

Option Declare

Use "LSControlService"

'Private VersionInfo As Wsversiondo_n2

Public Function ObtainControlServiceVer( ) As String

MessageBox "Beginning of Obtain ControlServiceVer"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

MessageBox "End of  Obtain ControlServiceVer"
Exit Function

ErrorHandler: '
MsgBox Error$ Exit Function End Function

I suspect that the contents I am importing on this library through use are n't being declared private. I thought they would by removing the Option public.

How can I make them private to ths library ? Thank you so much for your time and help

Kind Regards, Carlos


  • The problem is the lss file that both your web service consumers import via %include. It contains the public declarations. You will have to either manually merge the two web service consumers into a single library so that you can include the lss file only once, or create a new library that contains just the %include, which you can then "use" from the two web service consumers instead of using %include there.