I am trying to create a log in system for an iOS app with a rails back end powered by devise and door keeper.
I want to limit the number of network requests so don't want to have to get the token from credentials then get the user details as a separate request.
Here is my current attempt:
token = Doorkeeper::AccessToken.create!(application_id: @application_id,
resource_owner_id: current_user.id, :expires_in => 168.hours)
puts token.token
render :json => {:user => current_user, :token => token.as_json(:include=> token)},
status: :ok, location: :users
However what is being returned is:
So the actual access_token key isn't being passed back to allow me to make future calls.
I can see that the token itself isn't returned in DoorKeeper::AccessToken.as_json
, but token.as_json(:include=> token)
still doesn't return it.
Does anyone know how to return the AccessToken, including the access token itself, as json?
The way I managed to solve this was to create my own AccessToken class that overloads the as_json method to include the fields I wanted.
class AccessToken < Doorkeeper::AccessToken
def as_json(options={})
:token => self.token,
#:resource_owner_id => self.resource_owner_id,
#:scopes => self.scopes,
:created_at => self.created_at,
:expires_in_seconds => self.expires_in_seconds,
#:application => { :uid => self.application.uid }
If anyone has a better solution I'm all ears