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Is there a command to stop a program and still save the data?

I am working on an experiment that I talk data and MatLab graphs the data and saves it in a video file.

For right now, I use a tic/toc function and while loop to control the duration for Matlab to record the data for the experiment. Sometimes, however, the experiment finishes faster than the time I set the timer on. So for a long time I have to wait for MatLab to finish recording data that I am not going to use anyway.

I am looking for a MatLab function or technique that could use to stop the program on command and still keep the data that it recorded so far.

Another thing is I don't know how long each experiment will take so I can't set a specific time. One experiment could be for a couple of secs another could be for more than two minutes.

The code I have right now is something like this:

while toc<90 % run loop until time is 90 secs
%Record data
%graph data
%save all data to a file


  • You could save the data in each iteration, and then break the program in the middle by using


    This might not be most efficient, but if it is feasible it should solve your problem.

    while toc<90 % run loop until time is 90 secs
       %Record data
       %graph data
       %save all data to a file

    Another method would be checking for specific keypress in the loop, and then save all data

    while toc<90 % run loop until time is 90 secs
       %Record data
       %graph data
       %if user pressed Q
          %save all data to a file

    To determine whether a key was pressed:

    key = get(gcf,'CurrentKey');
    if(strcmp (key , 'return'))
        % Do something