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group members not centering in group

I'm creating a simple group, with circle and text, and I expected the text to be centered over the circle. (Like in the group demo on the front page of!)

var text = new fabric.Text('hello world', {
    fontSize: 30
var circle = new fabric.Circle({
    radius: 100,
    fill: '#eef',
var group = new fabric.Group([ circle, text ], {
    left: 150,
    top: 100,
    angle: -10

I've in fact taken that from the beginning of the tutorial page on Groups, but removed the circle's scaleY to make the non-centering more obvious.

I have a JSFiddle of it up, and tracing thorough the Fabric code I don't see anything that would actually center the contents; Group.prototype._updateObjectCoords just offsets by the group's position, making the contents' top and left simply be relative to the top-left of the group itself. And yet, it seems to work on the demo page!


  • Starting from 1.4.0 fabric.js changed default object origin to 'left'and 'top'. Instead you need object property originX and originY to be center:

        originX: "center",
        originY: "center"

    Here is your fiddle modified:

    You can also globally revert to previous 1.4.0 behavior with these two lines:

    // From 1.4.0 on, Fabric.js put left/top as default, restore old center/center
    fabric.Object.prototype.originX = "center";
    fabric.Object.prototype.originY = "center";