Search code examples

Regular expression for extracting excerpt from long String

I want to extract excerpt from a long string using Regular expression

Example string: "" Is it possible that Germany, which beat Argentina 1-0 today to win the World Cup, that will end up as a loser in terms of economic growth? ""

String to search: " that "

Expected result from regex

" possible that Germany "

" rd Cup, that will end "

I want to search the desired text from the string with -9 and +9 characters from the forward and the backward of the occurence of the searched string. Search string can occur multiple times within the given string.

I am working on an iOS app using iOS 7.

I have so far created this expression with my little knowledge about reguler expressions but not able to get desired result from that

 " (.){0,9} (that) {0,9} "


  • Remove the spaces in your regex. If you want to capture the matched ones. Then enclose the pattern within capturing groups (ie, ()),





    Make the preceding and following characters as optional to match the line which looks like that will change history