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Printing an NSDocument

I'm trying to print a document. The document is an array of NSImageReps, or a single NSPDFImageRep, which has multiple pages. I'm having trouble figuring out how to use the NSPrintOperation class to print this.

The NSPrintOperation seems to need an NSView to print. Do I need to manually add each image into the view at a calculated position and then let it do the pagination? that seems like it isn't in the spirit of Cocoa... is there some technique that I'm missing?


  • For Future reference, I believe the answer is PDFViews. you can add a PDFPage all at once to a PDFView (Via a PDFDocument) and then you can print with printWithInfo:autoRotate:

    In theory at least, I have gotten the view created, and the print dialog comes up, but when I hit "print" the dialog doesn't disappear...

    But that's a different question.