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Can not see commit in bitbucket repository. Commit has been successful

I have done 2 commits on 07.10.2014 on bitbucket using Egit plugin in eclipse. But I do not see them on list of commits neither can anyone else from my team see these commits. Commits were successful. When I try to open a file in Team sync , I see a different commit file number which is not available on bit bitbuckt at all. Can someone from bitbucket support team help with this issue?


  • Looks like I have detached HEAD , how do I resolve this issue? I am using Egit plugin for eclipse

    I assume you want to change your local branch e.g. master to point to that commit? If so, this is how to do it:

    1. Create a branch on the current commit
    2. Switch to the master branch (also called checkout)
    3. Do Team > Reset... and select the branch you previously created

    Now master points to that commit and you can remove the branch you created in the first step.