I have an NSMutableData, i make subdata with its method for getting the exact bytes of the integer that i will create. But somehow i can not convert that bytes into integer. It seems okay when i am debugging i see the subdata value as "<04 00 00 00>" -which i need to convert-.
var lengthData:NSData = buffer.subdataWithRange(NSMakeRange(12,4))
var length:Int = //Conversion which must be done from lengthData
var dataPart:NSData = buffer.subdataWithRange(NSMakeRange(16, length))
I tried to convert the lengthData to NSString and get the integer value of it but no-success. Can you please help about this conversion. Thanks in advance.
You can read required amount of bytes into the primitive type variable just by passing it's pointer to the .getBytes(...)
var length: Int = 0
data.getBytes(&length, range: NSRange(location: 12, length: 4))