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LSXLC ODBC Stored Procedure

I'm trying to connect to an Oracle RDB database using LSXLC (ODBC Connector). But when it comes to stored procedures I'm having a hard time getting it to work. The code below always results in "Error: Parameter name not supplied: fnl_date, Connector 'odbc2', Method -Call-". The error is triggered on "count = connection.Call(input, 1, result)" Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Public Function testLsxlcProc()
    On Error GoTo handleError

    Dim connection As LCConnection("odbc2")
    connection.Server = "source"                                
    connection.Userid = "userid"                                      
    connection.Password = "password"
    connection.procedure = "proc_name"

    If connection.IsConnected Then
        Dim input As New LCFieldList()
        Dim result As New LCFieldList()

        Dim break As LCField
        Set break = input.Append("fnl_date", LCTYPE_TEXT)
        break.Text = "2014-07-01"
        Dim agrNo As LCField
        Set agrNo = input.Append("fnl_agreement_no", LCTYPE_TEXT)
        agrNo.Text = "123456"
        Dim curr As LCField
        Set curr = input.Append("fnl_currency_code", LCTYPE_TEXT)
        curr.Text = "SEK"
        Dim stock As LCField
        Set stock = input.Append("fnl_stock_id", LCTYPE_TEXT)
        stock.Text = "01"

        connection.Fieldnames = "status, value"
        Dim count As Integer
        count = connection.Call(input, 1, result)
        Call logger.debug("Count: " & count)
        Error 2000, "Unable to connect to database."
    End If

Exit Function
    On Error Resume Next
    Call logger.error(Nothing)
    Resume handleExit
End Function

Thanks in advance!


  • I had made a stupid mistake and had a mismatch between the name of the input parameter in Domino and the name of the input parameter in the stored procedure. Make sure all names match up and there shouldn't be a problem.