Search code examples

Orientdb where clause not returning the record

I am trying to get a record using the id field from orientdb database, but it's not returning the record.

Here is the record (it works on a simple select):

orientdb {baasbox}> select from _bb_order             

----+-----+-----+------+------+------+-------+--------+---------+---------+---------+-----    ----+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------------
#   |@RID |price|_links|_allow|_audit|_author|verbatim|timestamp|audioLeng|orderURI |transcrip|_creation|id       |fileId   |feedbackI|status       

0   |#22:1|0    |#11:9 |[1]   |#3:7  |k      |false   |false    |60       |TC0448...|         |2014-0...|249373...|8a9ca9...|0540df...|Order rece...


1 item(s) found. Query executed in 0.003 sec(s).

When I select the id from _bb_order schema, I can get the record.

orientdb {baasbox}> select id from _bb_order

#   |@RID |id                                  

0   |#-2:1|24937309-9189-484d-b406-6302b2ce9b6f


1 item(s) found. Query executed in 0.003 sec(s).

BUT, I canNOT recover the record when I use a where clause on the 'id' attribute.

orientdb {baasbox}> select from _bb_order where id="24937309-9189-484d-b406-6302b2ce9b6f"    

0 item(s) found. Query executed in 0.001 sec(s).

I can get the record when I use some other attribute, like fileId.

orientdb {baasbox}> select from _bb_order where fileId="8a9ca9d2-bbe2-4326-aa2b-bad5f2032fbd"

#   |@RID |price|_links|_allow|_audit|_author|verbatim|timestamp|audioLeng|orderURI |transcrip|_creation|fileId   |id       |feedbackI|status       

0   |#22:1|0    |#11:9 |[1]   |#3:7  |k      |false   |false    |60       |TC0448...|         |2014-0...|8a9ca9...|249373...|0540df...|Order rece...


1 item(s) found. Query executed in 0.002 sec(s).    

Confirmed that the Id field is stored as a String in the code.

Any thoughts on why this would be happening?


  • Try to rebuild indexes with following command:


    If this is not helped, this might be a bug. In this case create an issue on github with description how to reproduce it.