For compatibility reasons, I have to use gradle 1.5, and when I try to do
compile('org.javalite:activejdbc-instrumentation:1.4.9') {
exclude group: "", module: "google-collections"
exclude group: "", module: "google-collect"
in my build.gradle, only the first item is excluded, but the second is not excluded. It seems like a bug with Gradle 1.5? Does anyone know a workaround for this? I've been trying for days and I'm dying here.
Thanks a bunch for helping out!!! :)
Ok I finally found out why, with help from @ipolevoy. I think Gradle 1.5 has the bug that doesn't exclude the second package you list. For this particular problem, since the instrumentation plugin didn't need to be compiled, I just had to include it as a classpath in Gradle's buildscript, and then import it for use as a post-compile task.