thanks to the reply of @McQueenDon on r-nabble
I managed to produce a boxplot::base of a single variable with the x-axis correctly formatted and spaced for the date of acquisition.
What if I would like to produce it with bwplot::lattice? I need this because I would like also to use a conditional factor.
Here you are a reproducible example (thanks again to @McQueenDon )
pippo= stack(iris[,-5])
pippo$date= rep(c("2013/01/29", "2013/03/01", "2013/11/01",
"2013/12/01", "2014/02/01", "2014/07/02"), 100)
pippo$date= as.Date(pippo$date)
boxplot(pippo$values ~ pippo$date) ## NOT exactly what I want
bx<- boxplot(pippo$values ~ pippo$date, plot= F)
bxp(bx, at=sort(unique(pippo$date))) # this is what I was looking for !
bwplot(values~date, pippo, horizontal=F) #dates looks not correctly spaced even though they are correctly ordered and formatted
# finally I would like to condition to the 'ind' variable
bwplot(values~date| ind, pippo, horizontal=F, layout= c(2,2))
How about
xyplot(values~date| ind, pippo, horizontal=F, layout= c(2,2),
panel=panel.bwplot, box.width=20)
Here we use xyplot
with a custom panel=
parameter rather than bwplot
because bwplot
converts the x
to a factor first which renumbers all the levels with sequential integers; xyplot
does not do this.
If you wanted to label the exact dates, you could try
xyplot(values~date| ind, pippo, horizontal=F, layout= c(2,2),
panel=panel.bwplot, box.width=20,
but that looks quote crowded in this particular example.