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Intel Parallel Studio use only 2GB RAM

I have large project and I want to debug it with IPS (Inspector). But my project by default eat about 1 Gb RAM and with Inspector it try to eat more then 2Gb RAM. So, I have 16 Gb RAM installed but when Inspector eat more then 2 GB of them it stops debugging and say what memory limit was exceeded. How I can increase memory limit for Intel Inspector?


  • 32-bit systems can address up to 2GB of memory per process (technically 2^31), regardless of how much memory exists in the system, so perhaps this is the reason your process never exceeds that limit.

    In addition, even if your computer system is 64-bit, it's possible your process is itself 32-bit. In this case, the same thing as above applies. You'd need to recompile your application in x64 to be able to take advantage of the extra memory available in your system.