I am trying to make a ball bounce of a wall. The walls can be at any angle and the ball can hit the wall at any angle. The ball has a velocity vector. I have calculated and normalized the normal line of the wall that the ball collides with. This code below is what I use to calculate the dot product:
public float dotProduct(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2){
float theta1 = (float) (Math.atan(v1.getY()/v1.getX()));
float theta2 = (float) (Math.atan(v2.getY()/v2.getX()));
float alpha = theta1 - theta2;
float v1Magnitude = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(v1.getX()), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(v1.getY()), 2));
float v2Magnitude = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(v2.getX()), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(v2.getY()), 2));
return (float) Math.abs((v1Magnitude * v2Magnitude * Math.cos(alpha)));
For some reason the ball just bounces off in some weird direction at a high speed. This is the main function that calculates the reflection velocity:
startX, startY, stopX and stopY are the co-ordinates of the wall.
public Vector2 calculateReflection(float startX, float startY, float stopX, float stopY){
Vector2 normal;
normal = new Vector2(-(stopY - startY), (stopX - startX));
normal = normalize(normal);
float velocityDotProduct = dotProduct(velocity, normal);
Vector2 reflectionVelocity = new Vector2(velocity.getX() - 2*velocityDotProduct*normal.getX(),
velocity.getY() - 2*velocityDotProduct*normal.getY());
return reflectionVelocity;
Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
The normal vector to a wall from A(ax,ay) to E(ex,ey) should be
-(ey - ay), ex - ax
public Vector calculateReflection( Vector velocity){
double velocityDotProduct = Vector.dotProduct(normal, velocity);
Vector reflectionVelocity =
new Vector(velocity.getX() + 2*velocityDotProduct*normal.getX(),
velocity.getY() + 2*velocityDotProduct*normal.getY());
return reflectionVelocity;
public void normalize(){
double d = Math.sqrt( x*x + y*y );
x /= d;
y /= d;
public static double dotProduct(Vector v1, Vector v2){
double res = v1.getX()*v2.getX() + v1.getY()*v2.getY();
public class Reflect {
private Vector normal;
public Reflect(double begX, double begY, double endX, double endY ){
normal = new Vector(-(endY - begY), endX - begX);
System.out.println( "normal: " + normal );
public Vector calculateReflection( Vector velocity){
double velocityDotProduct = Vector.dotProduct(normal, velocity);
Vector reflectionVelocity =
new Vector(velocity.getX() - 2*velocityDotProduct*normal.getX(),
velocity.getY() - 2*velocityDotProduct*normal.getY());
return reflectionVelocity;