Search code examples

odata, nhibernate generates ORA-12704: character set mismatch

I have two classes:

public class DepotType
   public virtual Depot Depot {get;set;}
   /*other properties*/

public class Depot
   public virtual string Name {get;set;}
   /*other properties*/

I made the following odata query:

http://localhost:63236/OData/DepotPlaces?$expand=Depot&$filter=Depot/Name eq 'asd'

but, I get the following error: ORA-12704: character set mismatch

Nhibernate generates the following sql:

FROM "DepotPlaces" depotplace0_
LEFT OUTER JOIN "Depots" depot1_ ON depotplace0_."depotId"=depot1_."id"
   cast(CASE WHEN depotplace0_."depotId" IS NULL 
             THEN :p0 
             ELSE depot1_."depotName" 
       END AS VARCHAR2(255))=:p1

:p0 = NULL [Type: String (0)], :p1 = 'asd' [Type: String (0)]

I tried to write similar LINQ query manually:

var test = _repository.Query().Where(d => d.Depot.Name == "asd").ToList(); 

The generated sql:

FROM "DepotPlaces" depotplace0_
INNER JOIN "Depots" depot1_ ON depotplace0_."depotId"=depot1_."id"
WHERE depot1_."depotName"=:p0;

:p0 = 'asd' [Type: String (0)]

The main difference in the CAST operator. I don't know why it exist in the first sql query. And, if I run this query in the SQL Developer I get the same error. If I delete the p0 parameter and write NULL then script works correctly.


  • The answer is found. I have to add the following option:

    [EnableQuery(HandleNullPropagation = HandleNullPropagationOption.False)]