I would like to use embedded images in rails, like this:
<img alt="Embedded Image" src="..." />
In my view I use sanitize to filter html tags, like this:
sanitize @post.body,
tags: %w(h1 h2 span code a img pre strong u em s sub sup ol li ul blockquote),
attributes: %w(class style href width height src alt)
As you can see I enable img element and src attribute, but sanitize filters out src attribute in case of embedded images (data URI scheme). In case of "normal" images (where src is a normal link), it works correctly.
How can I tell sanitize to enable embedded images?
The solution is to enable data protocol with the following code:
HTML::WhiteListSanitizer.allowed_protocols << 'data'
I use it in config/initializers/sanitize.rb , and now it works for me.