I am making my own indoor map for a shopping mall. I am making it on android. Please guide me about how to calculate user distance through Wifi signals and move location pin/pointer on map.
Think again before ruling out Google Maps API.
Google Maps API v2 added support to indoor maps. in fact, Google Maps also allows you to upload your own indoor maps to be interleaved with their service.
If that doesn't work for you check Insiteo's product. I have tested it for a project I was involved in and was rather impressed.
Finally remember that even the best indoor map solution will not provide you with a decent experience unless you can back it with an accurate indoor positioning system.
You probably want to start your search with Google's fused location provider (select PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY). Some people say its indoors performance is not as good as the team claims, but they keep improving it all the time so I cannot really tell.