Search code examples

Using bootstrap dropdown with Om

This is what I have:

(defn view [cursor owner]
    (did-mount [_]
      (-> (js/$ ".dropdown-toggle")

    (render [_]
      (dom/div #js {:className "dropdown"}
               (dom/button #js {:className "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"
                                :type "button"
                                :id "dropdownMenu1"} "Dropdown" (dom/span #js {:className "caret"}))
               (dom/ul #js {:className "dropdown-menu"
                            :role "menu"
                            :ariaLabelledby "dropdownMenu1"}
                       (dom/li #js {:role "presentation"}
                               (dom/a #js {:role "menuitem"
                                           :tabIndex "-1"
                                           :href "#"} "Action"))
                       (dom/li #js {:role "presentation"}
                               (dom/a #js {:role "menuitem"
                                           :tabIndex "-1"
                                           :href "#"} "Another action")))))))

The problem is that once the dropdown is opened, it does not hide anymore as it should be when one clicks on it or somewhere else. Also keystrokes don't work. I believe a missing something important here, what could it be? I'm using bootstrap 3.1.1 and jquery 1.11.0.



  • Here's what I do to create a dropdown component:

    (defn dropdown [cursor owner {:keys [id text values]}]
           [:button {:type "button"
                     :class "btn dropdown-toggle"
                     :data-toggle "dropdown"
                     :id id}
                    [:span {:class "caret"}]]
           [:ul {:class "dropdown-menu" :role "menu" :aria-labelledby id}
             [:li {:role "presentation"}
               (for [v values] 
                 [:a {:role "menuitem" :tabIndex "-1" :href "#"} v])]]])))

    It hides when it should. I use jQuery 1.11.1, Bootstrap 3.2.0 and sablono for clarity but that doesn't affect anything. I don't think you should be using IDidMount for jQuery as all interaction is handled via bootstrap's dropdown JavaScript plugin (which is included in Bootstrap library).