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ReactiveCocoa- How to dispose of a signal using 'switchToLatest'?

I have a UITableViewCell with a viewModel property. As the tableview cell is getting reused I would like it to bind to properties of its latest viewModel, like so:

RAC(self.titleLabel, text) =
[[RACObserve(self, viewModel) map:^id(MyViewModel *viewModel) {
    return RACObserve(viewModel, title);

The problem I'm seeing is that the cell is never getting released when it should be. Is there a way to dispose of the signal when the cell should be dealloc-ed?


  • My mistake! RACObserve() will retain self– I was missing a @strongify(self). Solved with:

    RAC(self.titleLabel, text) =
    [[RACObserve(self, viewModel) map:^id(MyViewModel *viewModel) {
       return RACObserve(viewModel, title);