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Equivalent of "hold" and "release" in hammer.js 2.0

In hammer.js 1.1.3 version I was able to use the following code perfectly:

        var button = Hammer(element, {
            hold: true,
            release: true

        button .on('hold', function() {
            //Do something when the hold event starts

        button .on('release', function() {
            //Do something when the hold event stops

But in hammer.js 2.0 I'm struggling to find an equivalent:

    var button = new Hammer.Manager(element);

    button.add(new Hammer.Press({
        event: 'press',
        pointer: 1,
        threshold: 5,
        time: 500

    button.on('press', function(event) {
        //Do something when the the element is pressed after 500ms

    //Possible handler when the element is released?

According to the documentation ( for the new hammer.js 2.0, there are 5 recognizers:

    Pan, Pinch, Press, Rotate, Swipe, Tap

I couldn't find a appropriate recognizer that would allow release type functionality. Any thoughts, suggestions or ideas are appreciated. Cheers for reading!


  • This will be supported in the next release, 2.0.1!