i am using zf2 and i am new to ajax and zf2. i used a bootstrap modal to open the form as a modal dialog. i have set an initial status value as -1. then if the data saved then it will become 0. and if not it will return 1. so if the form is not valid it will return the -1.
my code is working but i don't know how to show the validation errors in the modal.
this is my validationAction in controller.
public function validateinviteAction() {
$request = $this->getRequest ();
$data = $_POST ['textData'];
-> $dataform = array('email'=>$data);
-> $form = new InviteForm ();
-> $validate = new Invite ();
-> $validate->exchangeArray ( $dataform);
-> $form->setInputFilter ( $validate->getInputFilter () );
-> $form->setData ( $dataform );
if ($form->isValid ()) {
$validate->exchangeArray ( $form->getData () );
$row = $this->getUsersTable ()->getUserbyemail ( $validate->email );
$reply = $this->getInviteTable ()->saveInvites ( $validate );
$result = new JsonModel ( array (
'status' => $status
) );
return $result;
This is my ajax code
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo $this->url('users', array('action'=>'validateinvite')); ?>",
-> data: emailtxt,
success: function(resp){
// if saved successfully
$("#messagesuccess").text(' The invitation sent successfully.');
document.getElementById("email").value = "";
else if(resp.status==1){
//if cannot save successfully
$("#messagefailed").text(' You have already sent an invitation to this person.');
//form is not valid // if status==-1
$("#messagefailed").text(' The provided inputs are not valid.');
error: function(resp){
$("#messagefailed").text('Internet connection lost. Try again later.');
Thanks in advance.
ok first off don't use $_POST
for getting data $data = $_POST ['textData'];
$data = $this->params()->fromPost('textData');
you can get error messages from form using one of these:
$error = $form->getMessages();
$error = $form->getInputFilter()->getMessages()
$result = new JsonModel ( array (
'status' => $status ,
'error' => $error
) );
and in your ajax :
//form is not valid // if status==-1
$("#messagefailed").text(' The provided inputs are not valid.');
alert(resp.error.join("\n"));//or however u like
this line is extra and not required , the form does this itself
$validate->exchangeArray ( $dataform);
use this code to send forms data using ajax
data: $('#myForm').serialize()
first check if the request is post in your action
then get post data and set to form
$form->setData ( $this->request->getPost());
and validate and if $form->isValid()
then just simply get the data from form
$data = $form->getData ()