I'm wanting to make a query which will list the tags ordered by the most unanswered questions (which have that tag), however as the tags are stored as space delimited varchar
and as I understand it SQL Server (which StackExchange uses) doesn't have a function to split a string, I'm a bit unsure on how to proceed. I wrote this:
SELECT DISTINCT Tags from Posts WHERE AnswerCount = 0;
Which correctly returns the tags, however they're all grouped by post:
I've looked around a lot but every result I find has creating a function as a solution to splitting the tags up, but you can't create functions on dataexchange so that isn't possible. Is there another way to get all the tags into one column?
You can do this with an inefficient join using like
select t.TagName, count(p.Tags)
from Tags t left join
Posts p
on p.Tags like '%' + t.TagName + '%'
where p.AnswerCount = 0
group by t.TagName;
You should really use a separate junction table, PostTags
with one row per post and per tag on that post. This type of query would be much, much simpler. SQL has a nice built-in mechanism for storing lists. It is not a string. It is called a table. You should use it, if you have the choice.