I have a utf-8 document to be convert to big5 encoding using iconv
with the code below
iconv -f utf-8 -t big5 $inputFile -o $outputFile
However there are some utf-8 characters encoding is not complete because I set byte size limit in each line in the document like 40 bytes in a line so some utf-8 characters will be cut.
Since the incomplete encoding of utf-8 characters leads to the error that iconv
cannot find the corresponding big5 encode for the incomplete utf-8 characters encoding and the iconv stops.
Is there any why to avoid the iconv to halt and skip the incomplete utf-8 characters encoding and continue convert the following document to big5 encoding document?
I'm not sure that is what you are looking for, but, to quote man iconv
DESCRIPTION The iconv program converts the encoding of characters in inputfile, or from the standard input if no filename is specified, from one coded character set to another.
OPTIONS-c Omit invalid characters from output.
The man is not really clear, but when you use that option, characters in the source file invalid given the source encoding are discarded.