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Websphere with an MDB (Activation Specification) with Websphere MQ 7.1

I have an application deployed on Websphere, The application has many MDBs, those MDBs are bound to response queues on Websphere MQ 7.1 using websphere "Activation specification". However, I always get this error in the console and MDBs couldn't consume any messages from the queues

CWSJY0003W: MQJCA4004: Message delivery to an MDB 'null' failed with exception: 'endpoint needs to be activated.'.

I tried the same application using SIB and things were perfect.

What causing this error and make MDBs incapable to consume messages from the queues on MQ??


  • I finally found the cause.. In websphere console, under resources->jms>activation specifaction->'Your entry'->advanced poperties, scroll down to the bottom and uncheck 'stop endpoint if message fail'

    good luck for every one