(ExtJS 4.2.1)
I have two combobox
for searching employee.
One search the employee by employee number and the other search the employee by name:
This is the store shared by both comboboxes:
var cboEmployeeStore = Ext.create('App.store.employee.EmployeeCombo');
cboEmployeeStore.getProxy().extraParams = {
employerId: 0
These are my comboboxes:
xtype: 'combobox',
itemId: 'cboEmployeeNumber',
width: 180,
store: cboEmployeeStore,
cls: 'arigth',
displayField: 'EmployeeNumber',
valueField: 'EmployeeId',
queryMode: 'remote',
fieldLabel: 'Clave',
editable: true,
hideTrigger: true,
queryParam: 'searchStr',
name: 'EmployeeNumber',
allowBlank: false,
minChars: 3,
listConfig: {
loadingText: 'Searching...',
minWidth: 300,
// Custom rendering template for each item
getInnerTpl: function () {
return '<b>{EmployeeNumber}</b> / {FullName}';
xtype: 'combobox',
itemId: 'cboEmployee',
width: 400,
store: cboEmployeeStore,
cls: 'arigth',
displayField: 'FullName',
valueField: 'EmployeeId',
queryMode: 'remote',
fieldLabel: 'Employee',
editable: true,
hideTrigger: true,
queryParam: 'searchStr',
name: 'EmployeeId',
allowBlank: false,
listConfig: {
loadingText: 'Searching...',
// Custom rendering template for each item
getInnerTpl: function () {
return '<b>{EmployeeNumber}</b> / {FullName}';
Both uses the same store. The stores are remote so after you type the store will be filled by the results from server.
What I need is, if I search in the
combobox and then select a value, then mycboEmployee
should get the same record. And same if I do a search in thecboEmployee
Any clue how to do that?
Listen to the select event on the combobox. When it's fired have it update the other combobox.
Take care that the events don't get fired in a loop.