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How to make part of an image an href?

I have made a website, and would like to make the subscribe button clickable (an href).

So far here is my code for that. My problem is that I don't know how to do the coordinates. Is there a website I can use?

<map name="subscribe"
<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="" alt="Test">

Here is my image:

It's an image


  • Map Area coords are: left, top, width, height

    <img width="600px" src="" usemap="#subscribe">
    <map name="subscribe">
    <area shape="rect" coords="230,55,385,100" href="" alt="Test">

    Ninja edit; there are ways round it, for example using imaging software to find the coords, a javascript code the adds a border, or my preferred option - using transparent divs instead.