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dcommit only a certain local (i.e. git) branch with git-svn

I am developing using git but I have to publish via svn. That's why I've set up git-svn (by git svn clone).

My usual workflow is like this:

git svn rebase  # get local git repository up-to-date
git add file    # add some code
git commit      # commit code to local git repository
git svn dcommit # push changes from local git repository to public svn repository

So far this works fine.

However, I would like to create a branch (say secret) in my local git repository that is completely ignored by git-svn.

I guess I have to do something like this:

git svn rebase      # get local git repository up-to-date
git branch secret   # create secret branch in local git repository
git checkout secret # switch to secret branch in local git repository
git add secret.file # add some secret code
git commit          # commit secret code to secret branch of local git repository
git checkout master # switch back to public branch in local git repository
git svn rebase      # get public branch of local git repository up-to-date
git add public.file # add some public code
git commit          # commit public code to public branch of local git repository
git svn dcommit     # push public changes from local git repository to public svn repository

Would this workflow keep secret.file completely hidden from svn? If so, I guess I could just git merge it into master and git svn dcommit it to the svn it once it gets 'un-classified'. Is that correct?

Also, would it be possible to rename master to public for clarity? If so, how? Note that there is already a history for that branch in both repositories.


  • Yes, your secret changes will stay in your local git until you do git checkout secret && git svn dcommit or merge your changes to other branch (master/public) and dcommit from there.

    Instead of renaming master to public, you could simply start public: git checkout master git checkout -b public git commit, etc... git svn dcommit Branches will "remember" svn branch they were started from, you may always check this with git svn info. You could optionally drop master after switching to public: git branch -D master