This may sound strange but sometimes when your ASP.NET webapp isn't working and you can't tell why, you call Microsoft, pay them something like $300 and get about 1-3 weeks of 1-3 people looking at your configuration, memory dumps, sometimes code... but usually not the db, and with a fairly good percentage they help you fix your mistakes, without necessarily up-selling you.
I found that Novell would like to offer that for Mono. Everyone knows MySQL offers it for their clients, because it was part of the reason they got a truck of money to swing by one day to change the name-plate on the door.
I'm curious if anyone has found people for the support of these, and how they'd rate their experience:
That niche is typically handled by 2 groups I believe
Software component developers. - I get a lot of my presentation layer support from DevExpress since I use their widgets for my GUIs for instance. In fact, typically I don't use a technology in an official capacity unless I have identified a dependable support channel.
The issue you raise with Microsoft is handle by abstracting your problem before reporting it. That's a common law with most commercial support channels: When an issue involves 2 vendors, they will blame each other! Your job is to first isolate the issue before or during reporting.
It's hard, I know, but that's why you get paid the big bucks :-)
Is to bring in an outside consultant that should be able to study your system and do what we described in part 1 ( above )