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Copy text to clipboard from a JTextfield with press of a button

After working on a GUI that prints your Text backwards (Hello = olleH), Now I want to create a little Button that lets you copy the Outcome in a way you can paste it anywhere else (example in any Editor). I am using a JTextfield called jtxtoutcome. I don't know what else I could say, I guess this is pretty accurate.

This is how I use to change the outcome Textfield.:



  • You can copy the text with the following code

    StringSelection stringSelection = new StringSelection (txtField.getText());
    Clipboard clpbrd = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().getSystemClipboard ();
    clpbrd.setContents (stringSelection, null);

    The text will be copied to your clip board and then it can be pasted anywhere. In any editor.

    Read more about Clipboard, Toolkit, StringSelection

    I Hope you know how to import packages/classes in Java


    As you want to copy text in a Text Field, you can add the above code in actionPerformed() method of you ActionListener.