I'm very new to Neo4j, Neo4jClient and Cypher Query. I'm implementing Graphity Data Models and Algorithms. So, i have my own egonetwork on my Neo4j Graph Database. Here is my Cypher Query i'm trying to retrieve egonetwork of a specified user.
MATCH(user:User {userID : '1'})-[:ego1*]->(friend)-[:LATEST_ACTIVITY]->(latest_activity)-[:NEXT*]->(next_activity)
RETURN friend, latest_activity, next_activity
Here is the result:
So, you see, the order is : 2 3 4 (userID)
And here is my converted code with Neo4jClient
var query = graphClient.Cypher.Match("(user:User {userID : '1'})-[:ego1*]->(friend)-[:LATEST_ACTIVITY]->(latest_activity)-[:NEXT*]->(next_activity)").
Return((friend, latest_activity, next_activity) => new
friends = friend.As<User>(),
latest_activity = latest_activity.As<Activity>(),
next_activities = next_activity.CollectAs<Activity>()
List<User> friendList = new List<User>();
List<List<Activity>> activities = new List<List<Activity>>();
List<Activity> activity, tmp;
foreach (var item in query)
Console.Write("UserID: " + item.friends.userID + ". Activities: ");
activity = new List<Activity>();
foreach (var i in item.next_activities)
This is the result of the code above:
The order is 3 2 4 (userID) you see.
Could you please explain me why and tell me how to fix ?
Thank you for your help.
Well, your queries are certainly different; the one using Neo4jclient for example, has a collect
in it. They'll follow different execution plans and unless you specify it explicitly, they can return their results in a different order.
to specify the order. You can't make any assumptions otherwise.
I've even seen queries return results in a different order when there was only a difference in letter case (lower vs upper case letters).