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Phabricator review all commits

I have created a new git repository for a new project and added several commits. I want to request my colleague to review the entire project in Phabricator.

Is there an Arcanist command which I can issue which will cause the entire project, with all commits, to appear in Phabricator for review?

what I want to do is basically this:

arc diff before-first-commit

The first commit has id 'aabbcc'. This doesn't work:

arc diff aabbcc~
Usage Exception: Unable to find any git commit named 'aabbcc~' in this repository.

Related question

In git, is there something like a pseudo-branch-name for the empty commit "the commit before the first commit"?

Is there a git diff command which will output all files in the project? Something like:

git diff before-first-commit HEAD


  • You can try something like this:

    $ git diff 4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 HEAD | arc diff --raw

    You can also do this:

    $ arc diff --base arc:empty

    But there's a bug with this in Git until lands.

    (The bug is now fixed, use arc upgrade to upgrade.)