I've been looking through the Nest API, but I can't seem to find what "Too many requests" really means. What is too many? Is 5 requests per minute too many? 50 requests per minute too many? Is it too many requests per client? Too many requests per thermostat? Too many requests per home.nest.com account? After reaching the limit, how long until I can successfully make a request?
Any information or experiences will be extremely useful. Thanks!
This is what I'm getting...
protected void setHighTemp(int value){
fb.child("target_temperature_high_f").setValue(value, new CompletionListener() {
public void onComplete(FirebaseError arg0, Firebase arg1) {
System.out.println("Communicaiton error: " + arg0);
Output: Communicaiton error: FirebaseError: Too many requests
The relevant documentation for rate limits is at https://developer.nest.com/documentation/data-rate-limits
It looks like you're hitting the per device/structure limit which is described as
Every write to the data model requires the device to wake up and synchronize state. This drains the battery, so we limit the number of writes to devices and structures. We also monitor the battery state of all devices. If they drop below a certain threshold we will reject write requests until the battery has recharged.
Can you tell us how you're using the API?
-- Nagesh