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Can print but not return html table: "TypeError: ResultSet object is not an iterator"

Python newbie here. Python 2.7 with beautifulsoup 3.2.1.

I'm trying to scrape a table from a simple page. I can easily get it to print, but I can't get it to return to my view function.

The following works:

def process():

   queryURL = ''

   html = br.response().read()
   soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
   table = soup.find("table")
   print table

   return 'All good'

I can also return html successfully. But when I try to return table instead of return 'All good' I get the following error:

TypeError: ResultSet object is not an iterator

I also tried:

html = br.response().read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
table = soup.find("table")
out = []
for row in table.findAll('tr'):
    colvals = [col.text for col in row.findAll('td')]

return table

With no success. Any suggestions?


  • You're trying to return an object, you're not actually getting the text of the object so return table.text should be what you are looking for. Full modified code:

    def process():
       queryURL = ''
       html = br.response().read()
       soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
       table = soup.find("table")
       return table.text


    Since I understand now that you want the HTML code that forms the site instead of the values, you can do something like this example I made:

    import urllib
    url = urllib.urlopen('')
    htmldata = url.readlines()
    for tag in htmldata:
        if '<th' in tag:
            print tag
        if '<tr' in tag:
            print tag
        if '<thead' in tag:
            print tag
        if '<tbody' in tag:
            print tag
        if '<td' in tag:
            print tag

    You can't do this with BeautifulSoup (at least not to my knowledge) is because BeautifulSoup is more for parsing or printing the HTML in a nice looking manner. You can just do what I did and have a for loop go through the HTML code and if a tag is in the line, then print it.

    If you want to store the output in a list to use later, you would do something like:

    htmlCodeList = []
    for tag in htmldata:
            if '<th' in tag:
            if '<tr' in tag:
            if '<thead' in tag:
            if '<tbody' in tag:
            if '<td' in tag:

    This save the HTML line in a new element of the list. so <td> would be index 0 the next set of tags would be index 1, etc.