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POE::Kernel->run() takes around 15 seconds to stop/

This is my code, have redacted the "use" statements. They all are working as desired.

my $json_data;

sub request {
    my ( $method, $container, $params, $content_type) = @_;

    #get the complete URL, works fine
    my $full_url = get_url( $method, $container, $params, $content_type);

    POE::Component::Client::HTTP->spawn(Alias => 'ua');

    # Start a session that will drive the resolver.
    # Callbacks are named functions in the "main" package.
    inline_states => {
        _start       => \&_start,
        got_response => \&got_response,

    return $json_data;

sub _start {
    my $kernel = $_[KERNEL];
    $kernel->post("ua" => "request", "got_response", $full_url);

sub got_response {
    my ($response_packet) = $_[ARG1];

    my $http_response = $response_packet->[0];
    my $response_string = $http_response->decoded_content();
    $json_data = decode_json( $response_string);
    print Dumper $json_data;

The Dumper in got_response prints the value instantly, but after that I have to wait at least 15 seconds for the return statement after POE::Kernel->run to execute. It returns the correct value but I can't wait that long. If I add exit after the sub get_reponse dumper statement, then no value is returned.

Any help and suggestion will be appreciated.


  • run() will not return until every session has ended. This includes sessions that were created while run() was running.

    Define the constant POE::Kernel::TRACE_REFCNT before using the first POE module, and you will receive a dump of which resources are in use throughout your program's lifetime.

    use strict;
    sub POE::Kernel::TRACE_REFCNT () { 1 }
    use POE;
    # ...
    exit 0;