My PC has a GTX 580 (compute capability 2.0).
I want to compile a CUDA source that uses dynamic parallelism, a feature introduced in compute capability 3.5.
I know I will not be able to run the program on my GPU, however, it should be possible to compile this code on my machine. I'm assuming this because I can compile with no problems the CUDA samples that use 3.5 capability. These samples come with Visual Studio projects that were "manually generated" (I guess).
I believe my problem is with CMake. I'm using CMake to generate a Visual Studio 2012 project.
My first CMakeLists.txt looked like this:
CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE(sample-cuda-tests ${includes} ${sources})
Then, when compiling with the generated Visual Studio 2012 project, I got a warning followed by an error:
warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
error : calling a __global__ function from a __global__ function is only allowed on the compute_35 architecture or above
What was expected. Then I added
list(APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS -gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35)
to the CMakeLists. The warning disappeared, but I got:
error : kernel launch from __device__ or __global__ functions requires separate compilation mode
Ok. So I added to the CMakeLists:
...and received this:
fatal error : nvcc supports '--relocatable-device-code=true (-rdc=true)', '--device-c (-dc)', and '--device-link (-dlink)' only when targeting sm_20 or higher
What is weird because I thought I was targeting sm_35 (higher than sm_20).
Later I discovered I can set some options directly in CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE command. So I removed the line that was appending values to CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS and changed CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE command to:
CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE(sample-cuda-tests ${includes} ${sources} OPTIONS -gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35)
What I got was:
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v6.0\bin\crt\link.stub : fatal error C1083: Cannot open compiler generated file: 'C:/Users/sms/Desktop/sample-cuda-tests/CMakeFiles/sample-cuda-tests.dir/Debug/sample-cuda-tests_intermediate_link.obj': No such file or directory
No idea where to go now. Appreciate any help.
I'm using CUDA SDK 6.0 on Windows 7.
Turned out to be a bug on FindCUDA.cmake.
When setting CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION to ON, if .cu files are not in the same folder of CMakeLists.txt, intermediate linkage objects are generated in the wrong folder, causing a compilation error that, on Visual Studio, looks like this:
Cannot open compiler generated file: 'project_path/CMakeFiles/project_name/Debug/project_name_intermediate_link.obj': No such file or directory.
I've opened an issue in CMake bug tracker: (the bug is better described there)