Currently, boost::fusion::for_each iterates over the elements of a single sequence. I am trying to create a function which will work in a similar way but with many sequences and will iterate over all possible combinations between sequences.
For example if I have three sequences S1, S2, S3, I would like to create a functor like this
struct my_functor {
template <class x, class y, class z>
void operator()(x& el1, y& el2, z& el3) {...}
and then call
for_each(s1, s2, s3, my_functor()) // applies the functor to all combinations of elements of s1, s2, s3
where s1, s2, s3 are instances of S1, S2, S3.
I started by writing code for the general case (any number of sequences) but found it too hard. So I decided to start with only two sequences and take it from there. I have managed to get it done when I have two sequences (assuming fusion::vectors for simplicity) like this:
#include <boost/fusion/include/mpl.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/at_c.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/back.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/size.hpp>
template <class Seq1, class Seq2, int i1, int i2, class F>
struct my_call {
static void apply(Seq1& seq1, Seq2& seq2, F& f) {
f(boost::fusion::at_c<i1>(seq1), boost::fusion::at_c<i2>(seq2)); // apply functor for a given pair of ints
my_call<Seq1, Seq2, i1, i2+1, F>::apply(seq1, seq2, f); // increase second int by 1 and apply functor again
// terminal condition for 2nd sequence
template <class Seq1, class Seq2, int i1, class F>
struct my_call<Seq1, Seq2, i1, boost::mpl::size<Seq2>::type::value - 1, F> {
static void apply(Seq1& seq1, Seq2& seq2, F& f) {
f(boost::fusion::at_c<i1>(seq1), boost::fusion::back(seq2));
my_call<Seq1, Seq2, i1+1, 0, F>::apply(seq1, seq2, f); // reset 2nd int and increase 1st by 1
// terminal condition for both sequences
template <class Seq1, class Seq2, class F>
struct my_call<Seq1, Seq2, boost::mpl::size<Seq2>::type::value - 1, boost::mpl::size<Seq2>::type::value - 1, F> {
static void apply(Seq1& seq1, Seq2& seq2, F& f) {
f(boost::fusion::back(seq1), boost::fusion::back(seq2));
// the actual function
template <class Seq1, class Seq2, class F>
void for_each(Seq1& seq1, Seq2& seq2, F& f) {
my_call<Seq1, Seq2, 0, 0, F>::apply(seq1, seq2, f);
and the main as
#include "for_each.hpp"
#include <iostream>
struct myf {
template <class X, class Y>
void operator()(X& x, Y& y) {
std::cout << x + y << std::endl;
int main() {
boost::fusion::vector<int, double> x(1, 2.5);
boost::fusion::vector<double, int> y(2, 5);
myf F;
for_each(x, y, F);
return 0;
My main (no pun intended) problem is generalising the above to get it working with any number of sequences. Any suggestions are very welcome! Thanks
You can make sequence of sequences and pass them to a caller function.
int main()
boost::fusion::vector<int, double> x(1, 2.5);
boost::fusion::vector<double, int> y(2, 5);
boost::fusion::vector<double, double, double> z(10, 20, 30);
CallFunc(myf(), boost::fusion::make_vector(x, y));
CallFunc(myf(), boost::fusion::make_vector(x, y, z));
The CallFunc
makes cartesian product from elements of each sequence and then passess them to the given functor.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/fusion/container/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/container/generation/make_vector.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/algorithm/iteration/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/empty.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/pop_front.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/front.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/push_back.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/invoke.hpp>
struct myf {
typedef void result_type;
template <class X, class Y>
void operator()(X x, Y y) {
std::cout << x + y << std::endl;
template <class X, class Y, class Z>
void operator()(X x, Y y, Z z) {
std::cout << x + y + z << std::endl;
template<class Stop> struct CallFuncOuter;
template<class Func, class Tail, class CallTuple>
struct CallFuncInner
CallFuncInner(Func &f, Tail &seq, CallTuple & args)
: f(f)
, tail(seq)
, args(args)
template<class HeadArg>
void operator()(HeadArg & head_arg) const
(f, tail, boost::fusion::push_back(args, head_arg));
Func &f;
Tail &tail;
CallTuple &args;
template<class Func, class Tail, class CallTuple>
CallFuncInner<Func, Tail, CallTuple> MakeCallFuncInner(Func &f, Tail &tail, CallTuple &arg)
return CallFuncInner<Func, Tail, CallTuple>(f, tail, arg);
template<class Stop>
struct CallFuncOuter
template<class Func, class SeqOfSeq, class CallTuple>
void operator()(Func &f, SeqOfSeq & seq, CallTuple & args) const
struct CallFuncOuter<boost::mpl::true_>
template<class Func, class SeqOfSeq, class CallTuple>
void operator()(Func &f, SeqOfSeq & seq, CallTuple & args) const
boost::fusion::invoke(f, args);
template<class Func, class SeqOfSeq>
void CallFunc(Func &f, SeqOfSeq & seq)
(f, seq, boost::fusion::vector<>());