For debugging purposes I would like to see the corresponding Ruby Source position in the javascript file generated by Opal.
Is there a simple way to achive this? I tried
require 'bundler'
run { |s|
s.append_path 'public'
s.append_path 'src'
s.debug = true
s.source_map = true
s.main = 'application'
s.index_path = 'index_opal.html'
this is my application file
require 'math' require 'opal' require 'opal-jquery'
require 'consolelogger'
require 'harpnotes'
require 'abc_to_harpnotes'
require 'opal-raphael'
require 'opal-jspdf'
require 'opal-jszip'
require 'opal-abcjs'
require 'opal-musicaljs'
require 'raphael_engine'
require 'pdf_engine'
require 'controller'
require 'harpnote_player'
require 'text_pane'
puts "now starting zupfnoter"
puts "zupfnoter
I can only see this file in the source maps, but not the ones included by 'require'
I can even set breakpints to the puts statments at the end but nowhere else.
Here's an example on how to setup a rack up that serves source maps correctly (Opal v0.6.x)
UPDATE: The problem seems to be that you're not in debug mode.
Explanation: Current sourcemaps implementation doesn't work with concatenated assets and Sprockets doesn't support sourcemaps natively so it doesn't preserve them during concatenation.
To enable debug mode you need to add debug = true
and use an Erb index.html in Opal::Server:
run do |s|
s.append_path 'src'
s.source_map = true
s.main = 'application'
s.index_path = 'index.html.erb'
s.debug = true
then in your index.html.erb
you need to use the helper instead of a hardcoded script tag:
<%# index.html.erb %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>