I have a SQL Server table that has a column in it that is defined as Binary(7). It is updated with data from a Cobol program that has Comp-3 data (packed decimal). I wrote a C# program to take a number and create the Comp-3 value. I have it available to SQL Server via CLR Integration. I'm able to access it like a stored procedure.
My problem is, I need to take the value from this program and save it in the binary column. When I select a row of data that is already in there, I am seeing a value like the following:
The value shown is COBOL comp-3 (packed decimal) data, stored in the SQL table. Remember, this field is defined as Binary(7). There are two values concatenated and stored here. Unsigned value 12, and unsigned value 0.
I need to concatenate 0x00012F (length of 3 characters) and 0x0000000F (length of 4 characters) together and write it to the column.
My question is two part.
1) I am able to return a string representation of the Comp-3 value from my program. But, I'm not sure if this is the format I need to return to make this work. What format should I return to SQL, so it can be used correctly?
2) What do I need to do to convert this to make it work?
I hope I was clear enough. It's a lot to digest...Thanks!
I figured it out! I needed to change the output to byte[], and reference it coming out of the program in SQL as varbinary.
This is the code, if anyone else in the future needs it. I hope this helps others that need to create Comp-3 (packed decimal) in SQL. I'll outline the steps to use it below.
Below is the source for the C# program. Compile it as a dll.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
namespace Numeric2Comp3
//PackedDecimal conversions
public class PackedDecimal
public static void ToComp3(string numberin, out byte[] hexarray, out string hexvalue)
long value;
bool result = Int64.TryParse(numberin, out value);
if (!result)
hexarray = null;
hexvalue = null;
Stack<byte> comp3 = new Stack<byte>(10);
byte currentByte;
if (value < 0)
currentByte = 0x0d; //signed -
value = -value;
else if (numberin.Trim().StartsWith("+"))
currentByte = 0x0c; //signed +
currentByte = 0x0f; //unsigned
bool byteComplete = false;
while (value != 0)
if (byteComplete)
currentByte = (byte)(value % 10);
currentByte |= (byte)((value % 10) << 4);
value /= 10;
byteComplete = !byteComplete;
if (byteComplete)
if (!byteComplete)
hexarray = comp3.ToArray();
hexvalue = bytesToHex(comp3.ToArray());
private static string bytesToHex(byte[] buf)
string HexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder((buf.Length / 2) * 5 + 3);
for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++)
sbyte b = Convert.ToSByte(buf[i]);
b = (sbyte)(b >> 4); // Hit to bottom
b = (sbyte)(b & 0x0F); // get HI byte
b = Convert.ToSByte(buf[i]); // refresh
b = (sbyte)(b & 0x0F); // get LOW byte
return sb.ToString();
Save the dll somewhere in a folder on the SQL Server machine. I used 'C:\NTA\Libraries\Numeric2Comp3.dll'.
Next, you'll need to enable CLR Integration on SQL Server. Read about it on Microsoft's website here: Introduction to SQL Server CLR Integration. Open SQL Server Management Studio and execute the following to enable CLR Integration:
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1;
Once that is done, execute the following in Management Studio:
CREATE ASSEMBLY Numeric2Comp3 from 'C:\NTA\Libraries\Numeric2Comp3.dll' WITH PERMISSION_SET = SAFE
You can execute the following to remove the assembly, if you need to for any reason:
drop assembly Numeric2Comp3
Next, in Management studio, execute the following to create the stored procedure to reference the dll:
@numberin nchar(27), @hexarray varbinary(27) OUTPUT, @hexstring nchar(27) OUTPUT
EXTERNAL NAME Numeric2Comp3.[Numeric2Comp3.PackedDecimal].ToComp3
If everything above runs successfully, you're done!
Here is some SQL to test it out:
DECLARE @in nchar(27), @hexstring nchar(27), @hexarray varbinary(27)
set @in = '20120123'
EXEC Numeric2Comp3 @in, @hexarray out, @hexstring out
select len(@hexarray), @hexarray
select len(@hexstring), @hexstring
This will return the following values:
(No column name) (No column name)
5 0x020120123F
(No column name) (No column name)
10 020120123F
In my case, what I need is the value coming out of @hexarray. This will be written to the Binary column in my table.
I hope this helps others that may need it!