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Setting up home using Home kit framework in iOS8

I would like to create HMHome with HMHomeManager and addHomeWithName.

HMHomeManager * myHomeManager;

[myHomeManager addHomeWithName:@"My Home" completionHandler:^(HMHome *home, NSError *error) 

    if (!error) {
        NSLog(@"Created Home : %@",;

    } else {

        NSLog(@"Error : %@",[error localizedDescription]);

When the application is run I am getting the following error instead of creating Home

Error : The operation couldn’t be completed. (HMErrorDomain error -70892.).


  • Make your class the HMHomeManager delegate:

    import UIKit
    import HomeKit
    class HomeManagerViewController: UITableViewController, HMHomeManagerDelegate {
        var homeViewController: HomeViewController? = nil
        var myHomeManager:HMHomeManager? = nil
        var homes = [AnyObject]()   // datasource for tableview

    Your HMHomeManager has to be initialised first ( you've mentioned that you've already done this), and your class set to be its delegate.

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        myHomeManager = HMHomeManager()
        myHomeManager!.delegate = self

    You Add the Home in whatever function you want (i.e. when user taps the "+" button to insert a new home into a tableview list)

    The HMHomeManager must have time to connect to the homekit database

    func insertNewObject(sender: AnyObject)
        myHomeManager!.addHomeWithName( uniqueHomeName , completionHandler: { (home: HMHome!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
            if (error != nil)
                // adding the home failed; check error for why
                NSLog("Error : %@",[error.localizedDescription])
                // success!
                // Insert home at bottom of datasource array and bottom of tableview cells
                let indexPath = NSIndexPath(forRow:, inSection: 0)
                self.tableView.insertRowsAtIndexPaths([indexPath], withRowAnimation: .Automatic)

    You then update your tableviews datasource in the homeManagerDidUpdateHomes delegate method.

    This function is called when HMHomeManager finished initialising and will give you an array of any previously added homes

        // #pragma mark - HMHomeManager Delegate
    func homeManagerDidUpdateHomes(manager: HMHomeManager!) {
    = manager!.homes

    When the app is first run there should be a request to access its "Accessory Data".

    Make sure you tap "OK" for this.

    Accessory Data

    Also: Add "HomeKit" under your apps entitlements:

    1. Choose your app Target.
    2. Select the "Capabilities" tab.
    3. Switch "HomeKit" to "On".
    4. Enter your developer Id, etc.

    example image attached

    Adding HomeKit Entitlements