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addressable/uri gives params in alphabetical order in ruby

addressable/uri gives params in alphabetic order. If I want to get the query params as in the hash(i.e nonce, method, rate, order_type, quantity) how should I change my code?

2.1.0 :060 > require "addressable/uri"
2.1.0 :061 > uri =
2.1.0 :062 > uri.query_values = Hash["nonce" => 1405069051840, "method" => "a", "rate" => "rate", "order_type" => "order_type", "quantity" => "quantity"]
 => {"nonce"=>1405069051840, "method"=>"a", "rate"=>"rate", "order_type"=>"order_type", "quantity"=>"quantity"} 
2.1.0 :063 > params = uri.query
 => "method=a&nonce=1405069051840&order_type=order_type&quantity=quantity&rate=rate" 

I need output like this:(as I passed)


Output now is (alphabetical order)



  • Pass in an Array of [key, value] pairs instead of a Hash if you want the Addressable gem to preserve the order of the paramaters.

    uri.query_values = [ [ "nonce", 1405069051840 ], ["method", "a" ], ... ]