I have defined some custom build rules to use a custom version of Qt (DAZ Studio SDK) in my Visual Studio Projects using the ones from https://code.google.com/p/xr-qt-msvc/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Fmsvc-10.0 .
I am currently struggling since the line
<CommandLineTemplate>$(DAZSDKDIR)\bin\$(Platform)\moc.exe [QtMocNoWarnings] [QtCoreLib] [QtShared] [QtThread] [QtUnicode] [QtLargeFile] [QtKeywords] [QtOpenGLLib] [QtNoDebug] [QtGuiLib] [Inputs] -o$(IntDir)%(QtMocFilename).cpp
&& cl.exe $(IntDir)%(QtMocFilename).cpp [QtCommandLine] /c /Fo"$(IntDir)%(QtMocFilename).obj"</CommandLineTemplate>
(Notice the cl.exe called on the output MOC)
The fact is that I am not able to pass to cl.exe the include directories I have specified using AdditionalIncludeDirectories.
Is there any way to pass them to the cl compiler?
I found the problem.
Instead of using "Additional Include Direcotries", the user must use the V++ Directories tab.