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Utilizing Firefox's default/built-in Event Listeners

I have a context menuitem which is activated if an image is right-clicked, the exact same way that 'context-copyimage' is activated.

Is it possible to tie/pair that menuitem to the 'context-copyimage' therefore eliminating the need to add extra (duplicate) event-listeners and show/hide handlers??!!
(Adding an observer to 'context-copyimage' defeats the purpose)

If not, is it possible to use the event-listener that 'context-copyimage' uses?

I am trying to reduce listeners. At the moment, script has a popupshowing listeners. On popupshowing, it checks for gContextMenu.onImag and if true, it shows the menuitem. Firefox's context-copyimage does the exact same thing. I was wondering if it was possible to tie these 2 in order to remove/reduce the in-script event listeners.

I was also chatting with Dagger and he said that:

... the state of built-in items isn't set from an event handler, it's set from the constructor for nsContextMenu, and there are no mechanisms to hook into it

So it seems, that is not possible


  • No, there is no sane way of avoiding the event listener that would perform better than another event listener and is compatible with unloading the add-on in session.

    Hooking nsContextMenu

    As you have been already told, the state is initialized via gContextMenu = new nsContextMenu(...). So you'd need to hook the stuff, which is actually quite easy.

    var newProto = Object.create(nsContextMenu.prototype);
    newProto.initMenuOriginal = nsContextMenu.prototype.initMenu;
    newProto.initMenu = function() {
        let rv = this.initMenuOriginal.apply(this, arguments);
        console.log("ctx", this.onImage, this); // Or whatever code you'd like to run.
        return rv;
    nsContextMenu.prototype = newProto;

    Now, the first question is: Does it actually perform better? After all this just introduced another link in the prototype-chain. Of course, one could avoid Object.create and just override nsContextMenu.prototype.initMenu directly.

    But the real question is: How would one remove the hook again? Answer: you really cannot, as other add-ons might have hooked the same thing after you and unhooking would also unhook the other add-ons. But you need to get rid of the reference, or else the add-on will leak memory when disabled/uninstalled. Well, you could fight with Components.utils.makeObjectPropsNormal, but that doesn't really help with closed-over variables. So lets avoid closures... Hmm... You'd need some kind of messaging, e.g. event listeners or observers... and we're back to square one.

    Also I wouldn't call this sane compared to


    I'd call it "overkill for no measurable benefit".

    Overriding onpopupshowing=

    One could override the <menupopup onpopupshowing=. Yeah, that might fly... Except that other add-ons might have the same idea, so welcome to compatibility hell. Also this again involves pushing stuff into the window, which causes cross-compartment wrappers, which makes things error-prone again.

    Is this a solution? Maybe, but not a sane one.

    What else?

    Not much, really.