I'm trying to use the gem for the like/unlike button in a tutorial section of my Rails application (
https://github.com/medihack/make_flaggable ) but I occurred in one error which it's driving me crazy. The error is wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)
and occurs when the view calls the method toggle_like_button
In the tutorials helper there's a method called toggle_like_button
that says if the current user likes or don't like the video yet. Then in the tutorials controller I've created a method def like that allows to unlike a content previously liked and vice versa.
This is the gem:
gem 'make_flaggable', :git => 'https://github.com/medihack/make_flaggable.git'
This is in the application.rb
config.active_record.whitelist_attributes = false
This is the toggle_like_button method in tutorials helper:
def toggle_like_button (tutorial, user)
if user.flagged?(user, :like)
link_to 'Unlike', like_tutorial_path(tutorial)
link_to 'Like', like_tutorial_path(tutorial)
This is the tutorials controller:
def like
@tutorial = Tutorial.find(params[:id])
if current_user.flagged?(@tutorial, :like)
current_user.unflag(@tutorial, :like)
msg = 'you now like'
current_user.flag(@tutorial, :like)
msg = 'you dislike'
redirect_to tutorial_path, :notice => msg
This is the view which calls the tutorials_helper method:
<% if @current_user.present? %>
<%= toggle_like_button(@tutorial, @current_user) %>
<% end %>
Assuming you can like and dislike tutorial on the basis of flag. Try this:
def toggle_like_button (tutorial, user)
if user.flagged?(tutorial, :like)
link_to 'Unlike', like_tutorial_path(tutorial)
link_to 'Like', like_tutorial_path(tutorial)
Also see:
usage of your gem
# Returns true if the flagger flagged the flaggable, false otherwise.
user.flagged?(article, :flag_name)
# Returns true if the flagger flagged the flaggable, false otherwise.