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Return object handle from a subroutine

I want to know if it is possible to return a object handle from a subroutine in a Perl program. I will use a specific example from a program that uses MAIL::IMAPClient

Create client object handle

my $client = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
   Socket   => $socket,
   User     => $user,
   Password => $pass,
  or die "new(): $@";

I would like to create this object handle from a sub routine instead

my $client = &create_client_object;

sub create_client_object {

  my $client = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
   Socket   => $socket,
   User     => $user,
   Password => $pass,
  or die "new(): $@";

  return $client;

If possible, what is the proper way to do this?


  • Yes, that works perfectly. Besides @Miller's comment, I'd recommend you to also pass the $socket, $user and $pass as parameters to your function instead of using them from context:

    my $client = create_client_object($socket, $user, $pass);
    sub create_client_object {
      my ($socket, $user, $pass) = @_;
      my $client = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
       Socket   => $socket,
       User     => $user,
       Password => $pass,
      or die "new(): $@";
      return $client;