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In Objective-C, how does one share data among functions in a view controller?

Aiming for simplicity, how does one share data among functions within a view controller? Ideally, I would like to use a NSMutableDictionary, but my approach doesn’t seem to work (below):

In ViewController.m:

- (void) viewDidLoad{
  NSMutableDictionary * movietem = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  [movieItem setValue:@“frozen” forKey:@“title” ];
  [movieItem setValue:@“PG” forKey:@“rating” ];
  [movieItem setValue:@“tom cruise” forKey:@“cast” ];  

-(IBAction) updateTitleBtn:(UIButton *)sender{
  [movieItem setValue:@"lion king" forKey:@"title"];

-(IBAction) updateCastBtn:(UIButton *)sender{
  [movieItem setValue:@"forest whitaker" forKey:@"cast"];

Concluding in an error: ‘Unknown receiver ‘movieItem’. Thanks for the input.


  • movieitem is a local variable thus it can not be used in other methods.

    Thus, a better way to share a variable between methods is to declare a property.

    Try to add the code below into the head of your XXViewConttroller.m files.

    @interface  XXViewConttroller()
    @property(nonatomic,strong) NSMutableDictionary* movie;
             _movie = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
       return _movie;

    In which I declared a "private property" in .m files and initialized the variable in the getter of the propery.

    you can use to call the property in other part of your code.