I have developed a python script for making a serial communication to a digital pump. I now need to make an executable out of it. However even though it works perfectly well when running it with python and py2exe does produce the .exe properly when I run the executable the following error occurs:
File: pump_model.pyc in line 96 in connect_new
File: serial\__init__.pyc in line 71 in serial_for_url
ValueError: invalid URL protocol 'loop' not known
The relevant piece of my code is the following: # New serial connection def connect_new(self, port_name): """Function for configuring a new serial connection."""
self.ser = serial.Serial(port = port_name,\
baudrate = 9600,\
parity = 'N',\
stopbits = 1,\
bytesize = 8,\
timeout = self.timeout_time)
except serial.SerialException:
self.ser = serial.serial_for_url('loop://',\
timeout = self.timeout_time) # This line BLOWS!
print sys.exc_info()[0]
I should note that the application was written in OSX and was tested on Windows with the Canopy Python Distribution.
Found it!
It seems that for some reason the 'loop://' arguement can't be recognised after the .exe production.
I figured out by studying the pyserial/init.py script that when issuing the command serial.serial_for_url(‘loop://') you essentially call: sys.modules['serial.urlhandler.protocol_loop’].Serial(“loop://“)
So you have to first import the serial.urlhandler.protocol_loop and then issue that command in place of the one malfunctioning. So you can now type:
After this minor workaround it worked fine.