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vim and Ultisnips

I'm trying to understand how Ultisnips works (very few documentation when you're a beginner like me) and in the all.snippets code there a function that returns vim.eval("&comments")

So I'm trying to guess how this works, and if I try:

:let g=eval("&comments")
:echo g

I get this: s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,b:#,:%,:XCOMM,n:>,fb:- when i'm in the snippet file.

If I open up a an empy Php file and try the previous code I get s:<!--,m: ,e:-->

I want to have the classical comment like this /* */ configured to that I could call the sample snippet "box" (it works but adds <!-- --> = HTML comment delimiters instead of actual Php comment delimiters).

How can I guess when it's assigned, and how to change <!-- --> to /* */?


  • You want to use commentstring instead of comments. The former is set to the correct valus in php.